We can help you in :
1. We’re all about boosting productivity by providing top-notch facilities.
2. We let you Join our community to expand your network and grow your business.
3. We tailor-make plans to help companies set up their ideal workspaces.
We can help you in :
1. We’re all about boosting productivity by providing top-notch facilities.
2. We let you Join our community to expand your network and grow your business.
3. We tailor-make plans to help companies set up their ideal workspaces.
Sharkspace is operational 24 hours. However, the day shift starts at 09:00 am to 06:30 pm. The night shift starts from 07:00 pm to 06:00 am.
The price per seat is Rs.4500 plus taxes.
Sharkspace has been in operation for a year and a half.
The minimum lease period is two years.
We provide both leased line and broadband internet services.
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